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Personal Trainer Bio/ Background
I am a
Personal Trainer in Richmond and the
surrounding areas. I have provided
fitness instruction for over 17 years in
martial arts, the military, and privately.
My exercise and health experience began with
martial arts where I have trained children
as young as four-years-old up to adults in
their 80’s. I continued my education and
experience in college as student athletic
trainer where I worked with hundreds of
athletes treating chronic and acute
injuries. At that time, I also worked as an
exercise physiology intern for a “high-end”
health club. Most recently, I led group
exercise programs for military officer
candidates including a personal program for
Special Forces selection. I continue to
train martial arts students in technique and
general fitness.
fitness and nutrition are my primary
concerns. Our bodies are remarkably similar
and our needs vary primarily in degree.
Whether young or old, professional athlete
or stay-at-home parent, your personal
exercise program should enable healthy
participation in a wide variety of
activities throughout your life. Your diet
should enable your body to develop and
maintain healthy mobility with minimal pain
for many years. I can help you achieve
optimal health that will make your work-out
partners and friends wonder how you continue
to excel no matter what you’re doing.
I look forward to helping you
attain your health and fitness
Personal Trainer
Virginia Steve.
B.S Degree in Exercise
Physiology/Athletic Training
3Rd Degree Black Belt
Red Cross/CPR/AED/ First
Aid Certified
Training Chiropractic
Technician for Structural & Scoliosis Correction
Personal Training Site Map
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Trainer New York
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Personal Trainer Florida
Personal Trainer Arizona
Personal Trainer California