Best Home Exercise Equipment
to give you the
results your looking for, my not have to cost a large
amount of money. You can obtain
great in home workouts
weight training with free weights, learning basic core
training exercise, home cardio exercise even body weight
exercise to help you achieve your
weight loss goals.
Click on any
of the products shown below for more information
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Free Weight Dumbbells provide you with an
Incredible range of motion, thus recruiting the most
muscle fibers during strength training workouts. What
this means to you is an amazing in home workout without
the large added expense.
Click on the picture below for a full description of
this product.
Solid Hex Dumbbells $0.60/lb.
Rubber Incased Dumbbells
$1.25/lb. |
Durable Pro Stability
Ball provides you with
Abdominal & Core Conditioning
Training exercises with this product.
Click on the picture below for a full description of
this product.
Durable Pro Stability
$ 44.95 |
D-Ball Medicine
Balls are an excellent way to exercise any area
of your body including the core, upper and lower body.
This product will improve range of motion, joint
integrity/ flexibility, core strength and will also help
you improve your coordination for every day living. This
is a must for any in-home workout!
Click on the picture below for a full description of
this product.
D-Ball Medicine Balls $
24.95 |
Strength Band training is quick and easily accessible at
home or away on business or vacation. I personally use
this product daily for my in-home workouts with clients.
Strength bands provide smooth resistance training for
increased safety, through a full range of motion. You
can perform a full body workout with this product.
Click on the picture below for a full description of
this product.
Strength Bands
$ 7.95
(per pair) |
Body Bars
are new and exciting to Exercise and Fitness. They come in all
different weights and lengths for added resistance
training. Body Bars are a exciting new product to add to
your in-home workouts. Click on the picture below for a
full description of this product.
Body Bars
$ 7.95 |
The Bosu Balance
Trainer is an all in one workout center. The
combination of exercises and workouts that can be
performed on this New product are endless. With the
combination of dumbbells or simply your own bodyweight,
you can expect Results, Period! Click
on the picture below for a full description of this
Bosu Balance Trainer
$ 119.95 |
Personal Power
Blocks are
adjustable dumbbells that can range from 5lb. to
45lb.and up. They are extremely easy to set up and save
a lot of space compared to the older methods you see in
gyms today. You will never go wrong with this piece of
in-home equipment. Click on the picture below for a full
description of this product.
Personal Power Blocks $
139.00 |
First Place
Kettlebells are an advanced form of
functional strength training. Kettlebells develop
strength in the entire body while also aiding in
endurance and explosive power. Off-centered weight of
kettlebells increases the demand placed on core
stabilization. This is an asset to any workout routine.
Click on the picture below for a full description of
this product.
First Place Kettlebells
$ 24.95 |
Polar FS2 Heart Rate
Monitor will let you know if you are in or
above your desired heart rate zone. Great for tracking
your targeted fat burning zone during your workouts at
home. The options are endless with this heart rate
monitor. Click on the picture below for a full
description of this product.
Polar FS2 Heart Rate Monitor $
59.95 |
Stackable Steps
are a great way to increase your cardiovascular training
in any room of your home. The advantage to using
stackable steps compared to an ordinary step is show in
this picture below, minimal space is needed for a great
in-home workout. Plus you receive a lifetime warranty.
Click on the picture below for a full description of
this product.
Stackable Steps $ 39.99 |
The Step-The
Original Fitness Step has to be showcased on
our list of top in-home training products. This Larger Step
works great for the price. Click on the picture
below for a full description of this product.

The Step-The
Original Fitness Step $ 99.99 |
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